![]() ![]() Chartered - May 5, 1989 |
In 1989 SK. Dan Metz FM. finalized the plans to create a new Assembly in Harrison Ohio. Most of the established Sir Knights came from the next closest Assembly, Father Butler in Hamilton. This provided a much stronger 4th degree presence in the Harrison area. The 4th degree activities are more Visble than 3rd degree council activities. This provided a greater awareness of the Knights of Columbus in the Harrison area, and the Southwestern portion of Ohio. | |||||||||||
Recent News
![]() Rosary Garden 11-28-2020 A Knighting Ceremony was held prior to our 11-17-20 meeting. Left Click the following link for details. Knighting Ceremony 11-17-2020 Knights of Columbus Founder Fr. Michael McGivney to be Beatified Left Click the following link for details. Fr. Michael McGivney Beatified Sir Knights from our assembly participated in Fr. Bredestege's 1st Mass after being Ordained. Left Click the following link for photos from the Mass. 1st Mass Fr. Bredestege On June 1st 2019, Sir Knights from our assembly and others participated in the Dedication ceremony, of the the new Church for St. John the Baptist Church in Harrison. Left Click the following link to review a history of St. John churches. St. John Church Dedication On September 30th 2017, eight Sir Knights who attended the Exemplification joined Most Holy Rosary Assembly. Left Click the following link to view a photo of our newest members. New Members 2017 in September At the 2017 Supreme convention a new 4th degree uniform was introduced. There is, understandably, a great deal of resistance to this change. Left Click the following link to view a photo of the new uniform. New Uniform On April 2nd 2017, four Sir Knights who attended the Exemplification joined Most Holy Rosary Assembly. Left Click the following link to view a photo of our newer members. New Members 2017 in April In late february 2017 Norwood officially became the home of a new assembly. Brother Hugh Henderson Assembly #3691 will hold meetings every first thursday at Trinity Hall. On 11-7-14 there was a Veterans Day Celebration in the VA Hospital auditorium. Left Click the following link to view photo and a brief description. VA Hospital Veterans Day Celebration 2014 On 6-15-14 Father Michael Flick co-Celebrated his first mass as a newly ordained priest. Left Click the following link to view photo and a brief description. Father Flick Mass On 11-8-13 there was a Veterans Day Celebration in the VA Hospital auditorium. Left Click the following link to view photo and a brief description. VA Hospital Veterans Day Celebration Alex Meyer, Grandson of Virgil Meyer, recently received the Purple Heart award from a One Star General. (photo 4, in photo Gallery) On 05-07-10 we paid a Visit to the VA Hospital as an assembly. FN Virgil Meyer, PFN Charlie Wilke, PFN Rick Reistenberg, SK Tony Roark, and 2 members from St. Maximillian Kolbe Council. Left Click the following link to view photos. VA Hospital visit The stained glass winner is Don Coty from Joseph Cardinal Bernadine Assembly #3056, Centerville, Ohio. photo #21 in Photo Gallery At the Cincinnati Chapter meeting on 04-07-10, the Phrase "Born and Unborn" often used at the end of the Pledge of allegiance, was discussed. Individuals were contacted at the State and Supreme level. While the phrase was not encouraged, it was not discouraged either. It seems there is little reason to exclude this phrase. It can be said at any Council, or Chapter Meeting. PFN Charlie Wilke was presented the Sir Knight of the Year Award for 2009. photo #1 in Photo Gallery Before our 04-21-09 meeting our gift policy for newly ordained members of our Assembly was discussed. It was approved at our 05-19-09 Meeting Left Click the following link for details. -Ordained Gift Policy- |
© SK Tony Roark |