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VA hospital Veteran from Price Hill    A Hospitalized veteran from nearby Price Hill.
VA hospital Veteran from Price Hill 2    A Hospitalized veteran from nearby Price Hill. Being visited by PFN Rick Reistenberg (in Flag Shirt), PFN Charlie Wilke and FN Virgil Meyer (taking photo).
VA hospital World War II Veteran    A Hospitalized veteran who served in World War II. Being visited by PFN Charlie Wilke (on left), PFN Rick Reistenberg (on right), and FN Virgil Meyer (taking photo).
VA hospital Bingo Players    Hospitalized veterans enjoying an evening Bingo Game.
VA hospital Tony Roark Calling Bingo     SK Tony Roark calling bingo.
VA hospital Snacks after Bingo    Veterans enjoying snacks after the Bingo. Being assisted by 2 members of St. Maximillian Kolbe council. St. Max has been a strong supporter of this VA program for a number of years.
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